Maze 2018
>> Wednesday, August 29, 2018
The theme this year was the NHS so it was Ambulance shaped.
We had friends from abroad staying with us so we went very early in the season. The height was still fairly low but it was high enough to tower over the head of our young friend and just see through enough for us not to panic if she ran off to another path. But it was still high enough and thick enough for it to be a full on challenge.
Being as they may not have been as 'dedicated' as me and HWMBO to walk every inch of path and Cog isn't currently well enough, we did just enough to collect all the boards - which actually is still most of it.
We had the map with the number boards and the quiz boards marked on it. It seemed sensible with post-sepsis legs and little legs in the group. Most other years we take the one without them marked so make it more of a challenge.
We went midweek, the car park was still heaving but it copes with numbers, it is huge.
As always my tips for visiting a maize maze are:
Call in advance, they will tell you how muddy (or not) the paths are and if you need wellies, trainers or sandals. And then stick all 3 in the boot anyway!
Take a small backpack, with waterproofs, hats, and bottles of water.
Take cash - ours is on a farm and only take cash - I'm sure lots (There are many across the country) take card but best be prepared.
Take a couple of pens - they will charge you for a pen.
If you want to make it easier, take a highlighter pen and mark off the paths as you go round.
Ours is totally wheel chair and pushchair accessible unless it was really really muddy. They have lots of viewing platforms and helpers, you won't lose your children (for long) no matter how hard you try and they have quick exits so you can get out to the loos and then go back in again without having to walk a million miles.
At ours there are lots of other games and mini mazes to do as well, picnic tables and plenty of parking. It is an easy, fun day out and I thoroughly recommend it for a family few hours of togetherness and exercise....oh yes and yelling at each other debating about which way to go!
And for my own viewing pleasure, as maze post tradition now dictates, here is my maze gallery:
2017 - A hot year and a good crop
2016 was a bad year all round but points to us for still making the effort to go.
The weather couldn't make up it's mind, warm, sunny and wet at different points of the walk.

This was the best crop they'd had in a long time.
Dreadful crop year. But the sunflowers meant it was still well worth seeing.
The owners said it was a bad crop year. It seemed pretty tall to me, but maybe it's about the size and number of the maize itself, not just the height of the plant.
The height was there but the plants were rather lame

A wet year I think as we are wearing wellies.

Looks like another bad year.
Cog always reminds me that 2006 was the 'alien' year and she went with her father, not me.
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