Time to update your side bar or reading list?

>>  Friday, January 10, 2014

My blog has evolved over many years.  It started in 2005 as a personal diary of my wedding, moved into Kelloggsville in 2009, grew a KelloggsDBA limb and for a while I have been sat somewhere between Kelloggsville and AGuidingLife.

So here we are 9 years and over 1500 posts later.

Now I've no idea what I am to be called.  I start to think it's time to not be Kelloggsville anymore, it's a silly name, I become KV across the internet to wean myself off it and like you are all my mother, you all call me Kelloggsville anyway!  So I gave up and changed myself back.

"How does this affect us?" I hear you cry "We love reading your inane chatter no matter what you are called"

Oh bless, you for saying so!

I have played with my blog a lot over the years, I love a good fiddle!  I have inadvertently deleted my followers more than once. I've changed it's name regularly, and I did it again recently.  I have a feeling I changed my name once and I fell off your sidebars!  I think it's all badly related to Google Friends Connect and the number of times I've fiddled with anything that could be fiddled with.

Do you know the plumber with leaky taps and the electrician with bare wires hanging out?  Just picture my blog that way.

Anyhoo, if you rely on your reading list to tell you when I've written something then you may find that you too now need to fiddle. 

If I'm not in your sidebar or regular reading list then....helloooooo, are you nuts?!  Do you know what you could be missing?!

If you use BlogLovin, I'm in there, click the button over on the right of my full fat site.

You can subscribe to my email feed if that floats your boat.

Hell, if you want I'll call you up and just talk away at you, I'm not proud.

But all the same, it does give me a sense of belonging and self fulfillment if I see my blog in a side bar occasionally or on someone's regular reading list, so if you wouldn't mind re-adding me as my googleplus personage or just as www.aguidinglife.co.uk I'd really appreciate it.




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