Rangers Silver Linings - online meeting
>> Wednesday, April 22, 2020
I'm going to recommend UMA Silver Linings as a good one to do as a part of an online meeting and especially at this difficult time of Corona lock down.
I asked each girl try think of something that had happened that had left them feeling disappointed.
We didn't share them yet.
Whilst they pondered that we made origami hearts
And then one by one I asked the first one what their disappointment was, then asked another girl how they would feel if it happened to them, how they would relate. Then finally asked another girl what the silver lining was to the event. Slowly we went around each of them.
Some brought up cancelled sporting events (how well I related to that one), some were upset they weren't going to sit their exams, some were talking about cancelled holidays or holidays that were no longer to be booked because their parents no longer had jobs. But slowly they were discussed and silver linings funny or true were found.
Then we went back to the hearts and they each were to write something positive on them before popping them into a box or jar (I had asked them to find prior to the meeting).
It felt like a really positive meeting, not at all as 'heavy' as it sounds writing it down here.
Another UMA to tick off for the programme that is usual at this time.
We combined this meeting with a legend of 1000 cranes, but I had them make those cranes in advance and whilst we talked about them and decided to send them to Japan, we didn't spend as long over it as we did this one.
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