Rangers Movie night
>> Tuesday, January 16, 2018
It has become a bit of a tradition that the first night back to Rangers after the Christmas holidays is held at my house. The previous leader often used to hold meeting at her house and there is something to be said for it in the winter months. She did all sorts of activities at her house like back-garden sleepovers, "come dine with me" nights, planning nights and one particularly memorable for all the wrong reasons toffee apple making session. So far I've stuck to movie night, but my house is smaller than hers!
So starting with the base line maintainer for Rangers - chocolate!
Melted down for fruit dips.
tropical ice drinks
local wildlife (!)
and a craft of flower making (more to come on that one)
It was a gentle ease back into the term.
It takes a while for me to rev up to be honest and January is always full of "why on earth do I do this" feelings, so this was a pleasant no hassle night with a group of lovely girls.
Rangers is a good age range to be leading.
(Despite the fact that they have now all dropped out of the camp planned for 2 weeks time - grrrrrrr!)
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