
>>  Wednesday, June 12, 2013

This week's Gallery is 'Inspirational Women'.

I could have picked Mary Macarthur who fought for women's rights at the time of the suffragettes. She led the 1910 chainmakers’ 10 week strike in Cradley Heath that won a battle to establish the right to a fair wage.  You go girl.

Or maybe, Emily Wilding Davidson.  I really relate to her passion and the Darwinian way she unintentionally managed to die whilst fighting for them.  She got away with that one though, it being interpreted as the ultimate sacrifice for the cause. Votes for Women!

But no, I give you someone that has inspired me beyond belief.  If she hadn't had said "did you see me in Hello magazine with my Guides?!" There is no way I would have volunteered to do the best thing I have ever done.

So without further ado, I give you Abi, my County Commissioner.

She is constantly supportive and amazingly up beat.

In fairness, this was already a good and active county when she took over, but she has taken it from good to great, with her ever able never pointless assistant.

The roar when she walked out onto the stage at Charnwood just shows how much her county appreciates her.

She leads a mean campfire.

And can build one too.
And what she does well with the girls, the leaders also appreciate.  She manages to meet people at the level required.  It's a rare skill.


And she even scrubs up well to rub shoulders with the Chief Guide.
My Inspirational Women.

One of the questions for the gallery was 'who I think should be on a bank note?'  Well I think Abi should be, as in....lying on top of a million pounds worth...that would help us grow Guiding!

And just as a reminder, County Commissioner is a totally voluntary role. She gets no money for giving up her life completely for 5 years to Guiding.  I actually don't think there is money enough to cover it's worth.


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