The Man with the Bag

>>  Saturday, February 06, 2010

The photo meme I recently gate crashed, set me thinking about photos with the most significance to me - iconic photos.

It might be Vietnam Napalm Phan Thị Kim Phúc,


The Vulture on the Sudan

Both of these photos speak volumes to me, my emotions become so strong it hurts to look at them, they leave me in tears.

But the picture that comes to me over and over is Tiananmen Square:

Who was this man? What was in the bag? What was his story that day? Where did this incredible amount of bravery and resolve come from? Is he still alive? And what happened to the tank driver who disobeyed his orders and did not drive over him?
All of these questions spin around, but for me this is the greatest picture of hope and it inspires me to stand up for what I believe to be right and true...


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