Men cook meat

>>  Sunday, May 03, 2009

It's barbecue season!

Him: "Fancy a barbe tonight?"
Me : "Can you be bothered with it?"
Him : "No worries"

Later :

Him: "The barbecue is ready, when will you be?"
Me : "I'm hungry, so whenever you like"
Him : "No I mean when will you be READY"
Me : "Sorry, not following you..."
Him : "The salad and stuff, how long do you need?"
ME : "Are you asking me to cook?"
Him : "No, I'm doing it, just tell me when it will be ready"


So I went into the kitchen, prepared salads of different types, warmed and cut bread, made a Mexican couscous, laid table, put out condiments etc etc, sent the meat outside with appropriate garnishes etc etc and then we eat.

Afterwards he sits back in a congratulatory manner, proud of having cooked a meal for the family and will know doubt remind me of it for sometime to come (until the next barbecue anyway)!

Make mental note : Men cook meat !!!!


Stephanie 5:14 am  

Ha HA. So true. He stands out there by the BBQ enjoying the suns warmth..I run around the kitchen like a crazy women, table, veg, salad, kids cleaned up...then he wants all the credit!
Great post!

Jen 10:00 am  

Oh so familiar!

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