VE Day 75 years

>>  Saturday, May 09, 2020

I was already feeling largely uncomfortable about the little england approach the media and social media was taking towards VE day.  The fact that this country needs to cling onto the start of the end of WW2 as a self won victory shows how little we have achieved since in my opinion.  But I made my own point, much to the annoyance of COG who said I do it just to rile people.  She is partly right. 

We'd had a cream tea delivered the day before.  Which was nice and English.

But we didn't take tables and chairs out and join the neighbours.

I continued my current online running with a 12 mile jog on the treadmill.

We have really taken the lockdown seriously and are doing it properly.

Since the start I have been doing an online survey of my daily symptoms for a research project and I was instructed to go for a covid-19 test.

They said it was either because my symptoms were such I'd triggered something (and I've not been feeling great since my recent procedure at a local hospital) but also they were asking some people to be tested that they expected to get a negative result based on their symptoms.  Presumably they are wanted to prove or disprove the a-symptomatic super-spreader theory as well as prove data about certain symptoms. 

I said key-worker or not, to go (I actually am a key-worker as defined by the government and a critical worker as definite by my company) but I went as instructed under the heading 'volunteer' as it was totally related to this project.

I went as told, but was concerned I might be taking someones place that really needed it but as it turned out they really weren't very busy,

When I got back most of my neighbours had given up on any sort of social distancing and were basically having a party.

COG was so angry she was in tears, she's desperate to see her boyfriend but has like us, been keen to 'do it properly' and yet so many people around us just don't care.

 We will carry on taking responsibility for our own health, not overloading the NHS and being sensible.

My neighbours will carry on partying and clapping on a Thursday.

Horses for courses.


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