The run up

>>  Monday, December 24, 2018

 It's been a bit of a lonely lead up to Christmas with Cog away.

I helped out at the Division's Christmas campfire event for Rainbows and Brownies, so saw lots of Guiding friends.

I finally, after her asking for years and years, went to Thursford with my mother to see the Christmas Spectacular.

It was a lovely, if rather long, day.  It is a long way from here. But it was pleasant company all day.
 I wrapped gifts with the help of the cats
 Who also miss Cog.
 A real tree was bought, it's been many years since we had a real one.

And for the first time in 20 years, I decorated it alone.  But with White Christmas on the TV and sending photos to Cog as I went along, it was still lovely.

Christingle was lovely, and the fun added to by the children in the pews in front of me having a fistycuffs moment and a singeing of hair!

And the advent candle is finally at the end, cog is home and we are ready.

Family are on their way, crib service and midnight mass will finish off Christmas Eve.

Happy Christmas all.


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