>> Sunday, September 16, 2018
It's been a while since I was out with my walking group, I stepped up a group this time. It was still a mid-range distance of 12 miles and height predicted 2000' (I think it was actually more than that) but this group is a renowned fast walk.
And at the pace they took off at I wondered if I would keep up
There was an Ultra race happening on our route too, so lots of runners going in the opposite direction with runners looking somewhere between me marvelling at them being incredibly fit and me wondering if I should be calling an ambulance.
Anyhoo, back to me, Derbyshire is a beautiful part of the country.
Onward and upward we went. Past Pilsbury castle.
On every walk there seems to be that moment where you spot a hill that looks like it'd be hell to walk up and you just know that is where you are headed,
But once you start climbing the views make them worth it.
Parkhouse Hill is 1180' and Chrome Hill is 1394' we went up and down both.
Going up didn't seem half so bad as coming down them.
I ended up sitting down to come some of the way down this one, it's actually quite scary and a skill I need to get better at.
But after every down there is another up.
It is a hill walking club they remind me when I huff and puff!!
I'm one of the youngest in this club and the 80+ year old was marching ahead of me.
These retired people are soooo fit.
It's odd to look back and marvel at the hill you just climbed but the scale of it never seems real.
And still there is always another to look forward to!
As we came back to civilisation we saw a real well.
We were on the homeward straight (up)
To the highest village in Britain.
Even the cemetery had amazing views.
What a glorious part of the country. 25C on a Sunny Sunday afternoon and hardly a sole around. Other parts of the Peaks would have been heaving with people and yet it felt like we had it all to ourselves.
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