Maze 2016
>> Friday, September 30, 2016
It was right at the end of the season but we managed to squeeze in the annual visit.
The theme this year was Roald Dahl and the picture was the BFG.
The crop wasn't so great, not very thick and only shoulder high in some places. I was surprised, I thought it had been a good summer.
As usual we covered all 3 miles and found all 10 boards. HWMBO came with us this year (and claimed he had been with us every year!) and he was more keen than me to walk every path way. We mark them off with a pen as we go to be sure we've done it. And there is much doubling back on ourselves to pick up the more obscure areas.
We played a few of the games that are there every year, roll the balls into holes for points sort of thing. Never posh, always home made rough-as : it's great, just the way it should be.
The usual photo of me and Cog felt just a little tinged with sadness but I am so glad we still got to do it.
If you want to know more about how a maize maze works then go have a look at this post where I gave all the tips you need for a fun day out.
The weather couldn't make up it's mind, warm, sunny and wet at different points of the walk.

This was the best crop they'd had in a long time.
Dreadful crop year. But the sunflowers meant it was still well worth seeing.
The owners said it was a bad crop year. It seemed pretty tall to me, but maybe it's about the size and number of the maize itself, not just the height of the plant.
The height was there but the plants were rather lame

A wet year I think as we are wearing wellies.

Looks like another bad year.
Cog always reminds me that 2006 was the 'alien' year and she went with her father, not me.
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