A Thinking Day Meeting

>>  Friday, February 26, 2016

Our meeting night fell on Thinking Day this year.

We made memory jars.

I worked hard at the consuming chocolate spread for the cause for a few months to collect enough jars for them all.  They decorated them with glass pens. 

I gave each of them an official Senior Section 100 badge, this year's Thinking Day badge and a small crocheted trefoil to start them off.

They brought in 'memories' of their own.  It was lovely to see photos of little rainbows, international trip badges, little bits and pieces that all said something about their lives.

They also all had the Guide Laws that they cut into strips and placed them in order of importance to them.

It was interesting to see the differences and similarities in the way each of them were sorting them.

Then we did a list each of 10 things Guiding has given us.  I got distracted at 6, most of the Rangers had 10. Although 'food' and 'chocolate' seemed to appear on a lot of lists!!!

I think my number 7 would have been 'confidence to be me', then my head shifted to 'nights of worry' and 'a never ending to do list' !!!  The Rangers all had very positive things, not one single negative.  I like that.

We made a trefoil, as states the Thinking Day tradition, out of our shiny pennies.

(Although ours was slightly more elephant than trefoil!)

The money collected goes to the WAGGGS thinking day fund.  I know it's not much but if each of the units in the UK sent just a few pounds, the total amount will be big.

It was a lovely evening and the Rangers really enjoyed themselves.

I felt so 'Guiding loved up' when I got home I immediately sent out 2 emails to book 2 more sleepovers for the Rangers - I swore I wouldn't do as many this year, I just have no self-control!!!


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