The Garden

>>  Friday, October 30, 2015

My garden always seems to be a work in progress, my shed has moved twice since it was built 'in situ'.  We had the enormous fun a few years ago of rebuilding the brook bank and falling foul of the Land Drainage Act 1972 - who knew?! Well the neighbours that reported me to the council did apparently but hey-ho, I paid a large amount of money to have part of the wall moved 2 inches and I was saved from prosecution - yes, you heard me 2 inches!

So having finally got over that stress, I decided it was time to experience the joy again.

There was a lot of 'unused' space on the very lowest level of my garden I decided to lift to the middle level.
By increasing the size of the middle level it meant I was able to extend the patio a bit.  We lost so much patio when we built the extension a few years ago and it felt a bit cramped.
All went fairly well apart from the firm we used not actually finishing the job and me having to get back the man who saved the day with my brook wall (you'd have thought I'd just learn and use him first time every time.)

But I'm really pleased with the end result.
The garden feels much bigger.

But it hasn't lost too much of the original landscaping plan to have lost it's character.
And we can now sit on the patio without feeling like we are about to fall off the end!

But as always I look around and feel a plan hatching.

We have large patio doors from the living room to the patio and a small door from the kitchen extension but I'm now thinking we can replace the window at the end of the kitchen with large patio doors.  It's a shame not to 'see' the garden completely when it looks so nice!

I'm thinking about going away for a while and telling HWMBO from a distance!


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