Brownie Ring and Six Songs

>>  Sunday, February 08, 2015

There is a rhyme that goes with each six emblem for Brownies.

After singing Brownie ring, the idea is that each six step forward and sing their own piece and step back in again, then at the end they all join together for the final part.

"We’re Brownie Guides, we’re Brownie Guides, we’re here to lend a hand.
To love our God and serve our Queen, and help our homes and lands.
We’re Brownie friends, we’re Brownie friends, in North, South, East and West,
We’re joined together in our wish to try to do our best. "

Here you see the laughing Gnomes
Helping mother in our homes.
We're the ever helpful Imps, 
Quick and quiet as any shrimps.
Here we come the leprechauns,
Bright and early when day dawns.
Here we are the jolly Pixes 
Helping others when in fixes. 

Here we come, the cheerful Sprites,
Brave and helpful like the knights.
We’re the little happy Elves
We think of others before ourselves

We're the little Scottish Kelpies
Smart and quick and ready helpers
We're the Bwbachod from Wales
Filling farmers' milking pails

Ghillie Dhu it is our name
We guard the bairns and lead them hame

We're the Brownies, here's our aim,
 Lend a Hand and play the game

This is a great link for learning more about the mythology behind each type of Brownie six emblems.

I've also found these rhymes on a hunt around the Internet for the 'new' animal six emblems :

We’re the Badgers, kind & gentle
Faithful friends & always helpful

We’re the Foxes, tall and proud,
Smart and cunning but never loud.

Here we come, the brave Hedgehogs,
Being helpful’s not a slog.

Here we come the little Moles,
Being useful round our homes.

Here we are the happy Rabbits,
Careful not to make a racket.

We’re the Squirrels, always careful
Ready for anything and resourceful


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