Cress Space Rockets and Launching Rockets
>> Sunday, September 21, 2014
I was in the Future Zone at our county's StarQuest event for Brownies 100 birthday. There were 1575 brownies there and it definitely feels like I helped to make that many rockets!
These are a great idea, as I was busy making them I didn't actually get a great photo of them but you can see the idea.
The stand template is easy, you just need to measure the top gap to be the width of the cup you use as that is where it will sit.
This base needs to be cut out of card.
Cut all around both and cut a slit on the lines up to the dot. They then slot into each other at right angles.
The Brownies decorated the base any way they liked and the cups too. Many put aliens or astronauts looking out of windows.
A single round cotton wool pad was the perfect size to sit in the cup, it was dampened in water first and the cress seeds sprinkled on and hey presto.
I think this could be developed and perhaps sweets put inside the cup for a father's day take home craft.
The cone goes on top of an empty washing up liquid bottle.
And squeeze to launch.
I think these would make a good pack holiday 'just in case it rains' as they are so cheap and easy.
The cone could be anything related to your theme. Launch mice, princesses, harry potter hats, anything. You just have to draw it on the cone!
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