Chief Guide Challenge and a Chinese Raffle.

>>  Friday, May 09, 2014

2 girls of my Senior Section unit received their Chief Guide Challenge Award at a special presentation.  Our county are very good at recognition and celebrating acheivements.  The High Sheriff presentated the awards to all the Baden Powell, Chief Guide Challenge, Duke of Edinburgh and Queen's Guide award achievers.  There were only 10 Chief Guide Challenge Awards in our county this year so I am especially happy that 2 of those are from my unit.

The girls work hard for these awards, they are not a walk in the park by any stretch.  On a previous evening at Rangers we 'celebrated' Ranger style with cakes.  I'm not a great cake maker but I was pretty pleased with my effort.  (Especially as I had to make them on the Sunday night after Brownie Pack Holiday. Rangers was the next evening and I had to go to work during the next day!)

We also had a 'Chinese Raffle' which wasn't really a chinese raffle at all but the idea is based on it.

I wrapped up a lot of 'things', some were lovely nail varnishes or makeup, some were sweets, some were washing up sponges and dish cloths.  Mostly you couldn't tell what they were. 

The Rangers threw a dice in turn and followed these rules:

6 - take a gift from the pile
5 - pass one gift left
4 - pass one gift right
3 - steal a gift from someone
2 - unwrap one of your gifts
1 - put one gift back in the middle

A person may have a maximum of three gifts in their possession at one time.
If you need to pass left or right and the person to your left or right already has three gifts, give it to the next person in that direction who does not have the maximum number of gifts.
You cannot steal a gift from the person who took it from you.
Once you unwrap a gift, you keep it, and are out.
All other gifts in your possession are put back into the middle.
When everyone has unwrapped a gift, everyone is back in, and the game continues with the remaining wrapped gifts until all gifts are unwrapped.

The Rangers really enjoyed it, we had enough gifts for 2 full games and as there were still some gifts left they carried on for a part third and finished it off by playing with the remaining cakes!

A fun party(ish) night to celebrate achievement and it has motivated the others to look a bit harder at what they would need to do to finish the award.

I've also given them each one of the new Look Wider record books to help them along the way.  Fingers crossed for a few more 'finishers' another year.


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