#widrn It's all wires and papers really

>>  Wednesday, April 02, 2014

This week's gallery is "What I’m Doing Right Now #widrn"

As in: exactly what was I doing when I read the theme for the gallery?  Well, reading the blog post obviously!  

But you can at least note all the wires I've got lying around.  Mainly because my KVM switch gave up the ghost a while back and I've not got around to replacing it yet so I'm forever swapping cables around.

I was sat at my desk because I'd been here for hours already.  I'd written up the minutes to the Division meeting I went to last week.  I'd mailed the school most of the Rangers go to in order to ask for permission for them to do the 'wear your uniform to school' day.  I'd rang the train company to get group ticket prices for our London trip in the summer, added this to my budget spreadsheet and typed up a letter about it for the girls and printed them.  I've done a 'dates for your diary' letter for Rangers and printed a mass of them.  I write the girls name on each letter so I know who's been given one or not. I've sent the dates to the Rainbow leader who I know has a lot of Young Leaders that aren't involved with Senior Section and had an email discussion with her about how to get them involved. I've updated my paper work for the residential qualification I am doing so I can take the girls away to London.  I've up dated my paper work for my Adult Leader Qualification Module I am having to do because I am currently Guider in Charge.  I'd done my expenses for all the bits and pieces I've bought for the elephants we are making at Rangers this week.  I've updated the records for the leaders in the Division that are currently being mentored whilst they take Leader qualifications as I currently have the role of Division Adult Support. And sent off lots of mails asking questions about where they are at with them. To be blunt I've spent most of the late afternoon and evening doing Guiding paper work.  It's a drain.
I've also been looking through the boxes of seeds and insect houses I've received from Kew and trying to work out what we need to do with them.

I've sent emails to the Guide Unit leaders asking them to help me with transferring girls to Rangers and ideas for how we can do it.

I think this list could go on forever!
And I've tried to follow the #FridayTwiz whilst I did all that.  It's something I used to have time to join in with.

Currently I seem to have no time to myself at all.

My calendar is awash with Guiding.

It's a guiding life !


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