The 12 Days of Brownie Meetings

>>  Sunday, January 05, 2014

The 12 days of Christmas are the 25th December to the 5th January.  The joke goes that if it had been 3 wise women, not only would they have got to the birth of Jesus on time, they would have cooked dinner and cleaned up the stable.  But as tradition stands we find ourselves on the twelfth night waiting for the Epiphany of the Magi to finally work out which star they should be following and arrive in Bethlehem.

Whilst we wait, tapping our fingers and saying "if you'd just stopped and asked at the last oasis we'd be there already" I give you:

The 12 Brownie Meetings
(sung to The 12 Days of Christmas)

On my first Brownie meeting my Brown Owl said to me
Always be a good Brownie.

On my second Brownie meeting my Brown Owl said to me
Lend a helping hand and

On my third Brownie meeting my Brown Owl said to me
Have you brought your subs in

On my fourth Brownie meeting my Brown Owl said to me
Don’t forget your hoodie

On my fifth Brownie meeting my Brown Owl said to me

On my sixth Brownie meeting my Brown Owl said to me
Sing the Brownie Song

On my seventh Brownie meeting my Brown Owl said to me
Make your Brownie promise

On my eighth Brownie meeting my Brown Owl said to me
Earn lots of badges

On my ninth Brownie meeting my Brown Owl said to me
Wear your Brownie smile

On my tenth Brownie meeting my Brown Owl said to me
Giggle in your sixes

On my eleventh Brownie meeting my Brown Owl said to me
Learn the Brownie story

On my twelfth Brownie meeting my Brown Owl said to me
Let’s all play ladders!

*This was originally posted on the 1st Facebook Guide Company Group by Diane Ansell on the 18th December 2013


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