She Wouldn't Go Out
>> Sunday, August 18, 2013
For all Cog's positives, she is a teenager. I took some time off work this week to be with her. After lengthy complaining about how bored she was, she refused to come out. One shouting match later we were in the car and almost immediately her whole persona changed. Jekyll and Hyde teenagers, honestly!
Suddenly Alice in Wonderland was fair game.
Harry Potter was a loon. Narnia also got a look in.
Actually, the museums do go out of their way to lay on things for children in the holidays and around here they are all free.
You should check your local ones out.
We decided to educate ourselves with some art.
Although I was often confused, as usual.
This is not a digger, it is art.
This is not a set of seats, it is art.
This is not a funny bottom, it is art *giggles*
Half a piece of art.
I know....I'm a philistine.
We spend an interesting amount of time deciding whether this 2 foot long fish was dead. After a long wait I was all for throwing stones at it, but it must of heard me, it raised it's head, gave me a filthy look and swam off.
All in all a good day out, considering it looked like it wasn't going to happen at all.
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