Relax? As you were Guides, As you were

>>  Wednesday, August 14, 2013

This week's Gallery theme is 'relax'

Non Guidey-Scouty people probably think we spend all our time putting up tents or making an Escher 3d staircase out of a few bits of wood and a rope.  Actually a lot of the time we like to just chew the fat.  Guiding is one of the few places where a wider age range than they normally experience in their school groups get together to just 'be' and it is very beneficial.   It's also one of the reasons that the girl only space is maintained and works so well, girls can be themselves, no pretence required.  No emphasis on looks or even achievement, just a group of girls chillin.

These guides are grass sledging.

These Brownies and Young Leaders were doing circus skills.

These Young Leaders were cleaning out the fire place I believe!

I guess sometimes they do actualy wear themselves out and chillin becomes 'out like a light'!
I hunted high and low for a picture of me at a Guide event chillin, even just sat down.....not a single one.  It may be because I'm the one that carries the camera, or it may be because I'm not very good at stopping.  Hey Blue Clothed you have a photo of me sat down?


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