Why do Guiders look like Guiders?
>> Sunday, April 28, 2013
A group of us booked to go to Centre Parcs through Girlguiding Midlands. For varying reasons, lots dropped out and I decided to take the chalet and go with HWMBO and COG. I knew there would be lots of other Guiders there but I was the only one from my County.
On the first evening, sat alone in the jacuzzi I introduced myself to 2 Guiders also in there. They weren't talking, I didn't know them but I just knew they were Guiders. This carried on all weekend: a couple of women here, a group there. It's fair to say I knew there were Guiders there so I was looking out for them, but what is it that makes us so easy to spot?
Contrary to popular belief we don't all have big bottoms and horn rimmed glasses. It's not necessarily physical thing. There is something in the way the ladies look though. There is rarely a false tan or tattoo. Not unheard of, but uncommon.
Camp hands are common. No I don't mean the Graham Norton kind, I mean broken nails and burn marks! But I wasn't looking at anyone's hands.
The age range is wide but the more natural look seem more common. I need to meet a few leaders from Essex to see if this theory still holds true in fake it, bling it and enhance it land. But the Guider aura is bigger than the physical presence.
Interestingly, there was a group of 6 ladies sat round the pool side, they were all buxom, they all looked nice but I turned to HWMBO and said 'they aren't Guiders'. He agreed. How did we know? It's frustratingly intangible but we were right.
Perhaps it's in the way Guiders interact with each other. There is a a quiet confidence. Laughing. Smiles. Politeness. But many groups of friends are like that.
Maybe it's in my smile game. I love playing eye contact smile anywhere. It's so interesting to see who will allow you to catch their eye or smile back. The Guiders I guessed at Centre Parcs all smiled big smiles and 3 responded with a hello. I didn't look like I was on a Guiding weekend, I was with HWMBO and COG so they were saying hello to a stranger. Perhaps it's that caring attitude.
I'm sure that the group of non-guiding ladies were also caring but they just didn't fit that Guiding mold.

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