A Wedding in Gaucin

>>  Saturday, March 09, 2013

I been thinking recently about trips we have done, we go to many places but they are all so well planned and known that the adventure is sometimes stolen from them but one weekend we shot off to Spain not really knowing where we were going, or what was there except a lot of friends and a wedding.

The Hacienda hotel  was in the middle of nowhere,   in the hills about 10km from Gaucin (an hour from Marbella or Gibraltar.)

Each of the 'rooms' was a little 2 storey house with a living area and upstairs bedrooms, bathroom and balcony.
Overlooking beautiful court yards.
There was an outside bar area, an inside one, restaurant, pool and the whole hotel was completely occupied by all the people there for the wedding.  It was spacious but busy, private but full of friends.  It was quite perfect.
We went down to Gaucin and caught a train to Ronda.  It was a busy, hot train. COG and I sat on the steps of the carriage door probably quite dangerous and let the breeze rush over us.  Looking up into the mountains we could see eagles soaring.  It was a great train journey, one of the best I've ever done
Ronda was a beautiful town, we did a route march through it in the heat.
Look at how the gardens and houses are on the cliff edge.
Spain really is a beautiful country, Ronda seemed to capture so much of it.
But back to the wedding, we were only there for 3 days, so not much time to sight see.  The hotel was of course perfect for the wedding.
From the Spanish music and sherry pouring displays.
and the paella - it was a wonderful mix between the formal...
and the informal.
It was the only wedding I have ever been to where the bride jumped into the pool in her bridal gown!

It was such a wonderful adventure, 3 days of total contrast to what we would have done at home.  A really special time.

 All this talk of Adventures reminds me of a post I wrote many moons ago, a good way to look at life.  It's worth a read.


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