Girlguiding Promise Consultation
>> Friday, January 04, 2013
You might recall that the appointment of Julie Bentley as the new Chief Executive of GirlGuiding UK prompted me to finally air my opinion that it was time to take God out of the Guiding promise.
Within days Our Chief Guide announced that there was to be a Promise Consultation. Whilst I like to think I'm influential, I am also delusional, and it was just amazing timing on my part!
Well the day has arrived and the survey is now live and we need to share all our opinions to ensure that they are all heard. Members go here.
I am very aware that I have had many parents of new Rainbows and Brownies talk to me on twitter about their feelings towards the promise their children have made. Many have had strong feelings about the faith part of the promise. We really want to hear your views as a part of the consultation process too. An online questionnaire can be found at and you have until Sunday 3 March to add your thoughts.
Rainbows, Brownies and Guides can also complete an online survey at: Rainbows Brownies Guides
Senior Section are being included in the member's part so you need your GO login sorted to do it.
"We live in an increasingly diverse and often secular society, there has been a huge social change in this country since our start and even since the last change to 'love my God'. I think change to the promise is required to stay in step with the world we live in.
I think it is time to remove 'God' from our promise. This doesn't mean that we need to remove our commitment to help develop girls spiritually from our aim, we should keep our commitment to develop the spiritual side in a balanced program but not have it weighing down what should be a modern and relevant promise. We need to be relevant to today's generation of girls and give them a promise they can relate to and feel fully committed to.
If they relate to it, they will live it. And for this reason I ask you to weigh the results of this survey by the responses you receive from the under 26s and let's listen to our future."
I think the opinion of the younger girls matters so much more than my mine. We do it for the girls. I live by my promise, it will always be my promise and what matters to me. Let the current generation of children have their relevant promise so they can live it too.
But all this said, it is important that you share your own thoughts and opinions in the survey. Please.
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