The north bank by the Tower of London is a lovely walk, past the Tower and towards Tower Bridge.

But so very cold mid-winter.

There's a new restaurant opened up right down near the bridge. And by sheer luck we seemed to be given one of the best tables in the house, despite only wanting tea and cake. I think maybe we got the time of day right, in the lull before all their evening people arrived. We had a lovely cup of tea, coffee, green tea, juice, hot chocolate and different cakes. The hot chocolate was served as warm milk with a little pot of melted chocolate to mix into it yourself. As the waitress left she said "call me if you need more" she meant hot water to top up our tea pots with, but our little friend was enjoying her special hot chocolate so much after only a couple of mouthfuls she said "can you tell the lady I will be wanting more of this!"
So I thoroughly recommend
The Perkin Reveller for a lovely view, a great cup of tea and a slice of cake, I did notice they do tea cocktails for the more adventurous.

On the walk back I noticed this. The gates to the Tower have ER on one set as you would expect but GR on the other still.

I wonder how they will do it when CR is crowned? There's only the 2 sets of gates. Someone will have to go!
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