The ultimate stress reliever
>> Sunday, September 16, 2012
I'll be honest, I'd had a dreadful week at work, so stressful I had started to have palpitations and room spinning.
A weekend in the country was exactly the order of the day.
Soooo, I may have spent the best part of 8 hours in a marquee with 2 sessions of 50 Guides, 1 session of 50 brownies and 1 session of 72 yes I said 72 Rainbows. Now admittedly, 72 Rainbows in a fairly tight space, all needing help with their fish template, straw threading and mermaid cutting is fairly intensive but... always the company and the location sooth away the work pains and take me to the place that matters, the place that makes a difference, the place where there is a common aim, a common understanding and a sharing of the load.
GirlGuidingUK enables girls and young women to develop their potential and to make a difference to the world.
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