I would walk 232,500 miles

>>  Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Well fly them actually, this weeks Gallery is travel.

I just roughly calculated that since 2000 we have flown 232,500 miles as a family.

This doesn't include HWMBO's business miles.

We don't go away a lot, we just go a long way each time!  Even Daughter has been to Australia 6 times and holidays in places like Cyprus (from the UK) or Alice (from Perth) soon add up extra miles.
We have become dab hands at finding clean spots with no people to sit out the hours of delays.

Sleeping with boarding cards in hand.

There are times when we get a little fed up.

Or even a lot fed up!

But mainly we try to enjoy it

And my gloriously happy daughter, always seems to rally up a smile.

No matter how tiring it gets.

I wonder where she gets it from!

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