To boldly stick spots where no man has stuck them before
>> Monday, April 04, 2011
Notes is asking in the I ♥ Me series this week "What do you want to be bold about?"
Well I pretty much think I am:
1. not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff; courageous and daring: a bold hero.
2 necessitating courage and daring; challenging: a bold adventure.
I did brave a fire evacuated building to rescue Brownie teddies and go all the way up the climbing wall!
3. not hesitating to break the rules of propriety; forward;
4. beyond the usual limits of conventional thought or action;
Propriety and convention have never stopped me in my tracks!
5. striking or conspicuous to the eye; flashy; showy: a bold pattern. Propriety and convention have never stopped me in my tracks!
Again, if we were going to a Goth bar, I wore pink paisley and if I was going to see the Smiths I dressed like a Goth, I've always had the desire to be conspicuous to the eye!
6. steep; abrupt: a bold promontory.
Abrupt! You've all had my comments on your blogs. I don't mean to be abrupt, it comes naturally!
But in all seriousness if I was really bold I would have told my boss many years ago I was going part time and to like it or lump it and took the risk of the lump it response, or perhaps we would have upped sticks and moved back to Australia but...but I've always had a but...and if I was truly bold I would take that but and do something very bold with it!