How do you Blog?
>> Monday, February 07, 2011
Notes is asking in the I ♥ Me series this week 'How do you blog?'
Mainly at the PC was my first thought, but that isn't true. Because they are sometimes:
Scribbled titles on the back of a supermarket receipt "If I don't write this down now I'll forget it"
Emails to my home address from my work address "If I don't get these words out of my head I can't concentrate on my work"
One liners on iphone notes or on voice recorder "because I saw it in a paper or heard it on the radio"
Sometimes it starts from a photo : "There's one for the Blog"
Sometimes it starts from a conversation : "That's one for the Blog"
Sometimes it's from an Emotion : "I need to get this one out of my head"
Sometimes it's because I feel an idiot and sharing and laughing sort of eases it.
Sometimes I sit on one evening and reel off a number of blog posts that have been going round in my head. I currently have a number of draft posts I've written and have never published because the moment past. I will publish the one titled "Iceland: A necessity?" one day!
Sometimes I will spend an hour here and an hour there rewording, rewriting but rarely, only on those where emotions are the primary source.
Sometimes I sit and cry whilst I write them because they mean so much to me and have greater depth and importance (to me) and then nobody else reads them or comments and I feel a right nelly!
Sometimes I schedule them, usually with a holiday looming. I wrote all of my mid-December to Mid-January posts in early December and scheduled them right through, because we were in Australia. I knew an interweb break would be healthy for me so I took away the pressure.
On the technical blog I add things that I have been unable to easily find the answers to on the net. This one is new and hard work because it has to be accurate and helpful.
But mainly I sit down write a bit about what happened or tickled me, stick a picture with it and really hope that somebody else reads it and enjoys it. I hope you do.
(Oh and how does a full time working mum with a traditional husband find the time to do this : I gave up watching TV!)
Then it concerned me that this guy might be offended by the use of his pic and I wanted to point out he actually has a well toned bum and this is a damn good look in comparison to similar.
Then it completely worried my that this could be me in a few years time, but then as daughter says, nobody's looking anyway!!