Hare Brained Idiot

>>  Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Notes is asking in the I ♥ Me series this week What could you do today to make your life easier?

I took me a while to realise, well if it was dead obvious I'd have done it years ago, stop having hare brained schemes that end up in disaster.

Do you remember my garden wall fiasco with the most stupid decision ever taken followed by the council involvement?  Well, this time it's the bathroom.

It all started because a radiator stopped working, then another, then another. This led to many parts being changed, followed by the power flush followed by the boiler replacement. But that involves having all your carpets and floors up upstairs so they can feed a new gas pipe whilst I freeze my butt off for 2 days.

And if you're changing the boiler you may as well make it a combi and have your water cylinder taken out, right?!

Which just means that you need the entire bathroom refitting, right?        Well they ran out of time, they went home.  I waited in today, all day, but nobody came, and no date for when they come back. 
 It really is time for me to stop having these stress creating, bank account draining, stupid ideas and just accept that other people have things done in the house.  They discuss them with ease whilst give me a tour of their show home, whereas I simply have hassle and trauma with workmen and everybody will now give me the "didn't you know that" or "didn't you watch rogue traders last week" speech.

So how can I make my life easier today Notes?  Simply roll back the clock and put my old bathroom and broken radiator back because it was much easier than what I have right now.

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