You Little Breeder
>> Thursday, November 25, 2010
How hilarious is this?! In my world very!
Considering I am so very happy, thank you for asking. And I've never had it so good. I now find out that if I qualify for child benefit under the new rules, I'm about to rush out on a breeding orgy.
I quote : "We're going to have a system where the middle classes are discouraged from breeding because it's jolly expensive. But for those on benefits, there is every incentive. Well, that's not very sensible."
Hmmm, for your information Sir, £80 is not the overriding factor when deciding on family planning for the educated middle classes. £900 a year is not going to tip that shall we/shan't we balance. And for Shazza breathlessly conceiving Chels-eh behind the bus shelter as we speak, my guess is she's working out how to get Jeremy Kyle interested in her life, not whether £80 will increase her Primark spending power.
Wouldn't it be interesting to see some of these high class muppets actually come and live in the real world for a while or do they think that watching the first 3 minutes of Eastenders is keeping them in touch with the nation.
Monty Python sum it up here (kicking the beggar tickles me):
I'm off to hibernate until the revolution comes. Actually I think I might have a go at the breeding frenzy...anyone coming!