My Daughter, My Arch-Nemesis

>>  Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I like technology, I like gadgets.  I had a spectrum-zx and learnt to program on a BBC-B.  I am that original NES player.  Super Mario Mark 1!   I love the room full of old technology at Bletchley.  Did you see the 8" floppies at Kelvedon?!  I was the first on the net out of all my family and friends.  I have a playstation, a wii, yes we are wireless and my iphone has now been grafted onto the end of my arm etc etc 

Whilst my daughter has had a Netbook for some time, so much of her school homework is online that I thought she should have a laptop for her birthday.  It's a cracker - stuffed to the gills with memory, massive hard disk.  I'd set it up ready with her email etc etc

Sooooooo...what did she do on her birthday pick-up-sticks!!  Bloody pick-up-sticks!!!

(She's only trying to get good at it, because she can't beat me at Downfall!)

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