Argy Bargey
>> Saturday, May 22, 2010
About 11am, I could hear lots of yelling and fun from a boat in the tunnel, as they came out I saw it was a party of 18 year olds celebrating a birthday and they weren't shirking on the task of drinking lots.
I waved and they all whooped a lot, just before ploughing straight into the right bank, after a bit of mud churn they managed to get free and veered straight over to the left bank and beached themselves!!!! I was struggling to stay upright with laughter.
They used poles to get free and just as they did another barge occupied by very large, very red and also very drunk men appeared.
They narrowly missed the first barge and both boats yelled with good spirits at each other before snaking their way down the canal.
'Tales of the Riverbank' it was not!!
I suspect a rather noisy day of fun all the way to where they hoped to go and back!
It was a pleasant change to see more than just the usual grey hairs tootling up and down!