St George's Day

>>  Sunday, April 25, 2010

St George's Day is celebrated Big Time in our village.

It starts with a short service at the church.

Then St George, on his horse, leads a big parade through the village.

The bunting is up and hundreds of people are involved both watching, waving and walking

At this moment the girls were disheartened because the boys were out-chanting the girls "Every where we gooooo, people always ask us......."

Plenty are in Fancy Dress. Big Ben was very good this year! Last year someone went as a Sunday Roast Dinner!

Even the little dog had a St George on his back!

And after the parade there is a big fete with all the Splat-the-Rat, Wellie Wanging, count the sweets, coconut shy, pull the lolly games.

There was also Maypole dancing, and pieces from the local groups like Karate demonstrations, a dance troup and the re-enactment of George and the Dragon from our local theatre group.

We had a great nationalistic day, just like the Irish but with lots less Guinness and green hues!!!!

What a lovely day and at the end of it I came home to a BNP leaflet drop. It made my stomach lurch, how dare they invade our fun day and taint it with their nasty underhand racism. The closest we could have got to anything 'not quite cricket' was killing the dragon yet again.

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