Who I was..
>> Monday, December 28, 2009
Funny old time of year this....between Christmas and New Year. The days always seem to have more hours in them.
I seem to find time to discover who I used to be and the things I used to like to do when life had time...
I have had time to put matching jewellery on, after going through those boxes I forgotten I'd got, that are tucked away through lack of time.
I have cleaned out my sewing cupboard, sorted the piles of threads and upward facing needles that attacked me every time I went in.H and I spent a lovely hour sewing buttons onto a tote bag. She did a lovely job of it.
I have spent far too much time messing around with yet another new phone but actually I just love messing around uploading, downloading, backing up, playing with etc
We have had time to be together, a lovely few days of R&R. Back to work tomorrow and no doubt that the fore roar of New Years Eve party preparation will take over at home!
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