Credit Madness

>>  Saturday, November 28, 2009

I am a sucker for the air miles/points/money off offers and I end up with a purse full of store cards and credit cards I never use.

I decided to cancel them all. I had an interesting conversation with MBNA:

"I want to cancel my BT credit card please."
"No I never use it, it has no balance on it, no I have no balance I want to transfer to it"
"Please stop trying to sell me things, my mind is made up, I just want to cancel"

At this point the man said:

"did you know credit is harder to come by these days, you may struggle in the future to get a new card"

I pointed out that I have another MBNA card that I wasn't cancelling. That way I would have just one card.

"do you want to transfer this credit limit to that one?"

"Sorry I thought you said credit is harder to come by these days?! Did you really just offer to double the credit limit on my other card?!!!!!"


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