Nature Heals

>>  Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Today I'd really had enough. The detail of why is irrelevant. Driving home from work at about 7pm I was feeling rather broken and a little close to tears (probably related to this).

I drove the back roads home and drove past a field with 3 combines and many more tractors in it. The farmers were having to get as much harvesting done as they could in the one dry day for a while.

I pulled off the road, kicked off my heels and sat up on the roof of my car watching the distant clouds of dust from the golden field, feeling the warm breeze and sun on my face, the lush greens in the distance, wispy clouds in a true blue sky. The view across the landscape was ... healing...I only stopped 5 minutes maybe less but it was enough for me to go home settled and ready to deal with my other job!

It made me think of Leisure by W H Davies

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.


Stephanie 4:23 am  

Ahh The Beach seems to have that nice calming affect on me. Too bad we couldn't bottle it:)

Jen 9:20 am  

Love that poem, glad you were able to feel better.

Working Mum 8:12 pm  

I love that poem too, but rarely take its advice. It probably helps if you have a nice view on your way home; I leave the Pennines behind me and head for the M60 and views of the Trafford Centre - not the same.

The wife of bold 12:35 am  

Great Poem, but like Working mum i never do as it advises shame!

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