DisneyLand Paris

>>  Wednesday, September 02, 2015

I don't really do theme parks.  Never have.  I wondered what on earth I would do with myself for a day in Disney with no desire to queue for rides and my Senior Section Group quite happy to divide themselves and dive off to their must-do rides with a meeting time and place for hours later.

Before they disappeared I did go on the carousel with them and a few gentle rides and then they were gone.

I wandered around for a long time, I was drawn by this corridor. It was generally useless going pretty much to nowhere from nowhere but symbolised how each and every area or walkway was made to be something even if it was nothing.
I loved this.  It was small, tucked out of the way but I stood looking at it for ages.

I came to the conclusion it was because Gus was on it and I think Gus is my favourite Disney character of them all. He just makes me chuckle. And Cinderella is the best princess obviously.  

I did queue to go on the ride in here. I was struck by the number of ghostly brides in it. At least 5 and a wedding feast.  I had a long ponder on the sadness of a ghoul bride, is it unfulfilled potential - did we feel this way before Miss Haversham?!  I do think they could have used their imaginations a little more though and added a dementor or at least a mother-in-law for extra fright value!

I left the scary MIL thoughts and wandered off to the Peter Pan ride and had a lovely float over London in a boat.

I was also very happy to find Skull Rock tucked away, Tiger Lilly had already drowned (or been saved). I was trying to remember the outcome when a man shouted boo loudly from behind and I jumped out of my skin.  He was suitably embarrassed and apologetic when he realised I was not his wife and he'd scared the living daylights out of a random stranger.

It made me happy now knowing that HWMBO isn't the only one who makes this mistake!

But what made me truly happy and what filled me with complete joy all day was the happiness and joy all around me.  Everywhere I turned there were Guiders, Guides and Rangers looking happy.   I could have sat people watching all day.

I felt a bit guilty being so totally joyful and watching those around me having having a totally amazing time.  I sat in front of the Disney castle for a while thinking about all the hurt and suffering in the world, all the poverty and sadness and wondered how I could have been born so lucky to be where I was.  But sometimes I guess you just have to suck it up and enjoy your privilege, so I got up and went to visit the dragon that lived underneath it.  Fiery old thing it was too!


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