Remembrance 2020

>>  Sunday, November 08, 2020

 It's been a year of differences and Remembrance was not going to be an exception.

Each year I do 2 parades as the unit I run straddles 2 villages.  This year the village with the morning parade did their service by prerecorded video. So earlier in the week I went down to the memorial and was filmed laying a wreath.

The 'afternoon village' still held an outdoor service but only with about 20 people attending.   Those laying wreaths, the priests, the cornet player and 2 of us with flags.

I've never been a flag bearer before, obviously the girls would normally do it, so it was a first for me.

It all felt very respectful and appropriate.

I also had to write on the wreath which is something I've also never done before.

I chose  "They hover as a cloud of witnesses over the nation"  which is from a sermon by Henry Ward Beecher.  It felt relevent to both Remembrance and the current time with Black Lives matter and the American elections hanging so heavy in the news.

We Will Remember Them.


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