I will never say anything that couldn't stand as the last thing I ever say

>>  Friday, January 01, 2016

Well we hit another new year, where do they go?  I've been sat here for 7 years now.  7 years of sharing.  It seems to be a cycle of the same types of thoughts, the same kinds of mistakes, the same total screw ups....

...occasionally interspersed with an element of achievement

...but mostly I stumble from one fuck up to the next.  There is no politer way to put it, it is what it is.

And yet each new year, this thought always is the first to my mind ...

"I will never say anything that couldn't stand as the last thing I ever say" 

...and I mean it, and I mean it as my possibility to live into.

And then I find the person who actually I really don't care (at that moment in time) if the last thing I ever say to them is "you really are an incompetent arse"....and yet again I fail to live into the possibility of being a nice person.

Yet here we are 2016, we greet.  And for a while at least, I will try to understand you, I will try to be gracious, I will try to be wearing your moccasins.....but as soon as that first blister forms...no, I will try....


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