Flat Brownie pays a visit

>>  Friday, June 13, 2014

I volunteered to receive a flat brownie on behalf of our Ranger unit in a Guiding forum. I had no idea what to expect but it turns out it's a marvellous idea.

A drawn brownie (albeit in her school uniform!) turned up with a diary to fill out of her adventures.

I've enjoyed writing parts of her diary but the Rangers also immediately took to the idea and have filled it out too. 
I took her geocaching with me alone, we were chased but young cows and I wrote up her tale of it.  

She went to Rangers and 'did' temporary mehindi with them, they wrote up about it.

She went geocaching with the brownies They loved the idea that she came from another unit and was going back to them. They asked if they could make one to send somewhere too.

She came on the Big Brownie Sleepover with us.  Our very tired Young Leaders, that had been up most of the night with chatty brownies, wrote up the diary.  They mention not sleeping a lot!

I've taken photos of her with different things she has done, like eating smores.

And I've put some into the diary.

She is coming on our 'Elephant trail' with us and then she will be sent home for her 'owners' to read all about what she has been doing.
I would do this again.  I've found it fun, not overly onerous and it's good for the Rangers to be raising their profile with the younger girls.  When I've asked brownies, they mostly don't know what Rangers or the Senior Section are and I have found many Guides to be the same.  It seems to have fallen off the radar a bit around here and I'm trying hard to bring us back into the heart of Guiding in our area.


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