Fed up cats and bunny carnage
>> Wednesday, April 23, 2014
This week's gallery is 'Easter'. You might remember my Christmas cat, I thought I'd try her for Easter.
She's a sweet little (widest definition of little ever used) thing and has always tolerated my teasing very well.
The very little one was no more impressed, I woke her from a warm and comfy snooze with pookie bear to have ears shoved on her head.
I took a photo, took them off her and she fixed me with a 'don't ever do that again' look before snuggling back down for another 22 hours of 40 winks.
It's a cat's life.
It was white chocolate carnage here over easter.
It was like 'And then there were none' in glorious choconecolour, only it all happened much quicker!
Guess who done it!
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