Easy Brownie Evening
>> Sunday, September 15, 2013
First night back at Brownies and whilst so many other units seem to be sweating over the best way to teach the girls the importance of the new promise we decided to go for a gentler ease in.
I've said it many times before, we are so lucky where we live, we can just let nature take the strain.
Although health and safety sense dictated that when testing a bridge we let Brown Owl take the strain first!

There's no lecture just chit chat, the best way to learn.
And a chance to let off some steam running through the fields.
The girls form bonds across the age groups, something that doesn't happen naturally in primary school, it helps them with the transfer to the next school group as they have friends in the higher years. This is not just true for Primary to High School transfer for the Brownies and Guides, it has helped Cog this year with her transfer to Senior School, she has been able to ask questions of her Senior Section peers already at her new school.
Guiding creates bonds, I think walks across the fields helps seal them.
Good for the girls of all ages and good for the leaders too. Team building. Well planned Brown Owl.
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