Everybody went Guiding without me

>>  Sunday, July 28, 2013

I saw Cog off on the coach for an International adventure in Switzerland.   

She'll have a great time.

After seeing her off, I hot footed it to a Police Station where the international team I was supposed to be going away with were 'breaking out of jail' and off on their exciting adventure around Europe.

The girls were good and ready to go.

I'm so sad not to be part of it any more.  I worked hard fund raising, writing to so many companies, bag packing, raffle ticket selling, sock monkey making, pen selling.  I feel like I've had a lot of pain without any gain!

Thanks to my lovely and ever helpful friend in Italy, they will be met by a scout off the first plane and taken for tea and to the hostel.

And thanks to SubZero they will have their own sheet bags to sleep in.

Many people like the U3A and my mum have put a lot of effort into this to help me help them.  I hope I have made a difference to their lives.

I left them after the 'break out' in a happy huddle having a final team chat.  I was welling up a bit, so how apt that the photo seems to have misted up.

I feel a bit usurped by my replacement leader, which is interesting because I think it's how the other Ranger leader I partner with at my local Ranger unit is feeling about me right now and I'm not sure she still wants my help.

I'm at a bit of a Guiding cross roads at the moment and I don't know where I am headed. I'm hoping my ever OldWiseBird will always be wanting my help at Brownies but I do like some of the extra challenges the Senior Section girls give.  But saints preserve me I am never going near a Guide unit, that I do know!

So it was a tearful run I had tonight, the slowest ever I think, with lots of stopping and staring at the sunset.  Trying to work out just where my life is headed right now as the rest of the world seems to speed on without me.

There are worse places to stand feeling a bit lost though.  If I'm going to be lost, this is probably where I would choose to be it.


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