A Sea of Mud

>>  Sunday, March 03, 2013

Spring has sprung.

Clearly the fields have dried off enough for the farmers to get back into them.

They have ploughed and each of those ruts is about 10 inches. Absolutely impossible to walk over, never mind run.

The path left at the side of the fields after ploughing is never an easy go.  About 15 inches wide, up against the hedge, on an angle and this bit was a good bit.  The further down I got, the thinner the edge and it was mainly covered in muddy lumps.

Over time the wellied dog walkers usually kick off the large lumps back into the field and slowly a wider path gets trod.

But in the meantime field after field is like this with the risk of sprained ankles high.

Of course the heavy machinery going in and out of the fields has now turned the roads into a lumpy, slippery, sea of mud too.  We need a massive downpour to clean the roads but that would ruin the farmer's fields again.  Sometimes the harmony between farming and rural living is a difficult one.

The weather is definitely starting to improve though.  How's this for a sunset last week.  It was a stunner.


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