A family day out at a maize maze

>>  Friday, August 24, 2012

We have a large maze, 3 miles of paths, within walking distance of home and we go every year. It's another one of those things which mark out the passage of time.

Nature looking towards God
 This year as the weather hasn't been so good it hasn't grown very tall.  But they have planted sunflowers in amongst the maize, it looks lovely.

Unlike COG, who continues to grow and grow.

The lower 'walls' made it great fun to race each other around different parts of paths that split off.

Despite the heat and humidity we walked every single path. I know this because I mark the map with a highlighter pen as we go around it.
We found all the clues hidden in there and that was no mean feat.  The owner recognised us as old timers, she took the map with the clues on away from us as we went in. We got a map showing only the paths and just knew the 12 boards were in there 'somewhere'.  Having a path map doesn't make it 'easy' but you do need it to get around otherwise you'd be there forever.
We also spotted this beautiful partridge and her big brood of chicks, you may have to zoom it to see them they are so tiny.  She was having great difficulty in not losing her babies.

I know just how she felt!

There are a lot of these maize mazes dotted around the country, if you haven't tried it I recommend you do.  Here are some hints to help you:

Call in advance, they will tell you how muddy (or not) the paths are and if you need wellies, trainers or sandals. And then stick all 3 in the boot anyway!

Take a small backpack, with waterproofs, hats, and bottles of water.

Take cash - ours is on a farm and only take cash - I'm sure lots take card but best be prepared.

Take a couple of pens - they will charge you for a pen.

If you want to make it easier, take a highlighter pen and mark off the paths as you go round.

Ours is totally wheel chair and pushchair accessible unless it was really really muddy.  They have lots of viewing platforms and helpers, you won't lose your toddler (for long) no matter how hard you try and they have quick exits so you can get out to the loos and then go back in again without having to walk a million miles.

At ours there are lots of other games and mini mazes to do as well, picnic tables and plenty of parking.  It is an easy, fun day out and I thoroughly recommend it for a family few hours of togetherness and exercise....oh yes and yelling at each other debating about which way to go!

If you enjoy mazes, I also recommend you try Plantasia - lots and lots of smaller mazes, a great trail for kids to follow, some animals and a hands on interactive indoor area - great fun in all weathers.


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