Where are you on the global fat scale?
>> Friday, July 13, 2012
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Where are you on the global fat scale?
So the results of the BBC Where are you on the global fat scale? say in black and white (well orange) that I am below average for my age range in the UK.
source: Murray The Nut |
I think half the problem is I've tried on my 'summer' clothes in the vague hope that the sun might turn up soon and they just don't cut the mustard. They cut the waist and create the muffin!
But my size is currently on the up from unhealthily thin. It's probably time to ditch the small stuff and have a shop but I hate the shopping for clothes part of that statement. I hate changing rooms, ill fitting stuff that makes me feel even fatter, feeling too old for the fashions, I hate the whole shebang.
So are 91% of all the other ladies out there asking "does my bum look big in this?" or is there someone out there that actually stands in front of the mirror thinking "looking good babe!"
The RWTF is that I've just actually looked at this picture and thought actually that looks ok but it took a photo of the mirror to show me that!
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