Not a pervert after all
>> Sunday, May 20, 2012
I mentioned Geocaching recently, and how important it is not to let 'muggles' know what you are doing...
Let me take you back to sometime in March when I was walking around a lot on my own during week days post op
On one afternoon a man suddenly appeared and I couldn't quite work out where he had come from but I didn't like the way he was watching me one little bit. I've often stood and talked to other men, lone walkers, land agents, farmers but this guy was shifty.
I took my earphones out, stood up straighter, tried to look fitter and more confident. I said hello as a walked past, but was aware that he was still watching me as I walked away. As I got to a bridge I stood on it and looked back, he appeared to be still hiding in the bushes and then I lost sight of him completely again.
I considered calling the Police, I spoke to a number of people about it, after all there had been a flasher around here only a few months back. In the end I did nothing, I decided to wait and see if I saw him again.
Having looked up my local geocaches I now know exactly why he was so shifty, pushing his way into the hedge and why he was in there for so long. It's a puzzle one that is locked and there is a trick to both working out where it is and then actually opening it.
I have always lived by the premise that 'most people are ok' and occasionally it gets a bit shaken but now I'm rather pleased I didn't send the police off on a wild geocache chase. I can only imagine what someone will think if they see me sheepishly pushing my way out from behind a bush!
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