Total White Out

>>  Monday, February 06, 2012

I'll guarantee you I'm not having much fun right now.  Hopefully I've already been under the knife and about to wake up. In the meantime  I thought I would share with you yesterday's walk.

I've got some new walking poles ready to give me extra support post op.  I'm glad I took them out for a trial today.
It started out pretty and, whilst fairly hard walking, it was pleasant.

I walk past this rope a lot but today, in the snow it stood out as evil in nature's beauty.
The aquaduct had snow on every vertical wall.

And then a mist came down, very quickly.

It still seems pleasant and novel for a while.

Until it turned into this. I was at least 2k from a road and struggling to see the waymarkers.  There are 2 streams to cross on this stretch of fields and only 1 place to cross each.    It left me feeling rather alone and a bit vulnerable.  Which is odd because the chances of anyone nasty spotting me at all were zero!
I need a dog.


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