Pare the Apple

>>  Friday, August 19, 2011

Beyond Wife, Mother and working full-time I do quite a lot of voluntary work.

I am now a Ranger Guider as well as a Brownie Guider.  I regularly help out at the Guide unit where my daughter goes and this is how I have been camping with the Guides across the summer.

In addition to this I am a mentor, I help new adult leaders work through their Adult Leadership Qualification.

I am also the Division Young Leader Advisor, helping the 14-18 year olds through their qualification.

I am a prospective trainer, although I have been dodging this responsibility very successfully.

Not being quite busy enough, I also do a couple of paper rounds, only once a month, delivering the local free community news.

I have decided it's time to pare the apple.

My current mentee would try the patience of an angel, I am not an angel, it is time to cut her loose.

The young leaders of my division tend to be part of the Ranger unit I now help at, so I can support them there.  The rest of them I leave to a person with more time and enthusiasm.  It would take a hurricane to whip up activity from some of those girls.

My back will no longer allow the paper round to happen.
The Guide Guiders will need to ask other mums a little more often.

These leaves me to simply be an Assistant Guider at 2 units and a dodging (not dodgy) trainer.

Well, it's not like I'm going to be busy running anytime soon!


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