The joy of the Panto, oh yes it is!!
>> Saturday, February 19, 2011
It's that time of year again, oh yes it is.
And at our local village hall we have local in-gags and wine sold by the bottle that can be drunk during the performance so the strain of the leading lady belting out the broken heart song is broken by clinking of glasses and more giggling at the bad jokes and shouting 'THE OTHER WAY' by the adults than the children. What a fantastic night out!
Local amateur dramatics abound. We are rather fortunate to have a very good local company who keep us entertained throughout the year, but there is something extra special about the panto:
The shouting (I yelled 'it's behind you' exactly when nobody else did, daughter was mortified!)
The in-gags and double entendres ('I've been turning and tossing all night' spoken by the man dressed as a woman!)
The men dressed as women (the dresses and hats getting bigger and bigger)
The women dressed as men (but always in high heels and no trousers)
The manic chase scene (including spraying the audience with water)
The 'all kids on stage for a song' bit (including spraying the audience with sweets)
The final romance where goodness with always prevail over evil (2 ladies get married but it's ok because the one that is pretending to be a man isn't wearing any trousers and has incredibly toned thighs!!)
ahhhhh the panto, generations of families enjoying the same shows year after year.
And at our local village hall we have local in-gags and wine sold by the bottle that can be drunk during the performance so the strain of the leading lady belting out the broken heart song is broken by clinking of glasses and more giggling at the bad jokes and shouting 'THE OTHER WAY' by the adults than the children. What a fantastic night out!
I love it......OH YES I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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